No Mesh Hernia Repair with Natural Tissue for Inguinal Hernia

What is a Hernia?

A hernia is a hole in the muscular abdominal wall. It can be located in many locations.  The most common locations are:

The hernia can cause discomfort or possibly even emergency issues because of the possibility of the intestine getting caught in and squeezed by the hernia hole.

What is a No Mesh Hernia Repair with Natural Tissue for an Inguinal Hernia?

No mesh hernia repair is also called natural tissue hernia repair. This procedure uses your own tissue to repair a hernia and is always performed as an “open anterior” surgical procedure.

Inguinal hernia repair without mesh has a history beginning with the first description of inguinal hernia repair. The high prevalence of hernia in the population has resulted in this condition inheriting one of the longest traditions of surgical management. Currently, the two most validated non-mesh inguinal hernia repair techniques are:
medical professionals wearing protective gear in surgery

Is No Mesh Hernia Repair with Natural Tissue Right for You?

While there are many techniques used for inguinal hernia repair - some techniques are best matched with certain types of patients.
While it is not proven, many hernia experts agree that young, thin active people have a higher risk of pain or discomfort in the long term with the use of mesh. At the same time, it is clear that when mesh is used correctly in the right patient there is a lower risk of long-term recurrence of the hernia. In expert hands, laparoscopic and robotic techniques of inguinal hernia repair mesh placement has a risk of recurrence and complications of under 1 percent.

Despite our extraordinary results with laparoscopic and robotic techniques of inguinal hernia repair, it remains clear that the avoidance of mesh in some patients eliminates the risk of chronic discomfort or pain and with a small price of a slightly higher risk of recurrence. Therefore a non-mesh inguinal hernia repair may be the most "minimally invasive" option for some patients. The Shouldice and Desarda repair techniques are an excellent option for patients who desire a repair of their inguinal hernia without mesh.
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Expectation Following No Mesh Hernia Repair with Natural Tissue for an Inguinal Hernia

The biggest variable after this surgery is the degree of pain after the operation.

90-95% of patients undergoing a non-mesh natural tissue inguinal hernia repair will experience mild to moderate pain in the first few days after surgery.  These patients are frequently able to avoid prescription pain medicine after surgery.

5-10% of patients will experience significant pain requiring prescription pain medicine.

99% of patients are comfortable at rest within 5 days of the operation and tolerate symptoms with ibuprofen and /or acetaminophen alone.

Returning to Activities after No Mesh Hernia Repair Surgery

After surgery, you may expect to:

  • Return to an office-type job within 3-5 days after surgery depending on the level of discomfort.
  • Return to 30 lb lifting as soon as you feel comfortable.
  • Return to extraordinary physical activities performed by high-performance athletes and those with physically demanding occupations is dependent on multiple factors and is not uniform for all.

    Overall - most patients find the Shouldice repair and Desarda repair of their inguinal hernia to be a good experience and easily tolerated.
  • Why Choose Us for Your No Mesh Hernia Repair with Natural Tissue

    At the Center for Hernia Repair, we prefer conservative management strategies to those suffering from hernias. When we recommend surgery, Dr. Yunis is able to customize a solution tailored to your needs and is an expert in a variety of hernia repair techniques. including natural tissue hernia repair.

    Although some cases will require mesh, many patients make excellent candidates for repairing hernias with their natural tissue.

    Would you like to learn more?  Contact us or give us a call at (941) 953-5917
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    Can you have a hernia repaired without mesh?

    Yes, it is possible to repair a hernia without using mesh. A no mesh surgical technique relies solely on utilizing the patient's own bodily tissues, thereby eliminating the potential risks associated with the use of artificial implants. Natural tissue repair (non-mesh) mostly refers to inguinal hernias of the groin. Ventral hernias involve the use of mesh almost universally. There is strong data showing the significantly lower risk of hernia recurrence when mesh is used. Very small hernias are potentially well treated without the use of mesh.

    How many years does hernia mesh last?

    A non-absorbable mesh stays in the body permanently and is considered a permanent implant. Its purpose is to reinforce the repaired hernia in a permanent manner. On the other hand, an absorbable mesh weakens and deteriorates over time and is not meant to provide long-lasting reinforcement. Instead, it is designed to degrade and encourage new tissue growth that will eventually provide strength to the repaired area.

    Can a hernia come back after mesh?

    Most hernia surgeries are successful, but there is a possibility that a hernia may recur months or years after the initial surgery. When this happens in the vicinity or at the same spot as the previous repair, it is referred to as a recurrent hernia.

    What happens when hernia mesh is removed?

    Removal of hernia mesh, which may be necessary due to issues such as mesh migration, infection, pain, or failure, is a complex procedure requiring a highly experienced and skilled surgeon. Hernia mesh is designed to become incorporated into human tissue. Therefore mesh removal requires a delicate technique of complete removal without damaging the native tissue. When mesh is successfully removed, any symptoms attributed to the mesh is usually alleviated. When mesh is removed, the surgeon also has to repair the remaining hernia with a sewing technique.

    Can you heal a hernia with exercise?

    Hernias will not improve or heal with exercise. The only solution is surgical repair.

    Center for Hernia Repair

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