Should I Have Hernia Surgery?

Why have your hernia repaired?

  • Pain - While most hernias are painless, if your hernia is causing intermittent discomfort or pain, then surgical repair is the solution to eradicate these symptoms.
  • Appearance – Hernias are often disfiguring and an experienced hernia specialist often offers an enhanced cosmetic outcome.
  • Size - The natural history of a hernia left untreated is unpredictable.While many hernias can remain unchanged over time, most hernias tend to get larger. Hernia enlargement over time can lead to a much bigger operation with a more difficult recovery. Smaller hernias are often amenable to outpatient surgery and with recovery that usually will not require prescription pain medicine.
  • Risk of Emergent Incarceration or Strangulation – Incarceration of a hernia is when the intestine is trapped in the hernia defect. This can result in obstruction of the intestine causing abdominal pain and vomiting. After a hernia incarcerates, it can strangulate the intestine contained within the hernia. This compromises the blood flow to the intestine and if surgery is not performed to relieve this, overwhelming sepsis and even death is a possibility.
  • side image of Ventral Hernia

    Why not have your hernia repaired?

    The risks of your hernia repair should be significantly lower than your risk of leaving it untreated.

    While this seems obvious, historically many people that undergo hernia surgery are unhappy due to problems with chronic pain, infection, or recurrence. These complications are clearly avoidable.

    What can you do to insure the best chance for a favorable result?

    Seek treatment by an experienced hernia specialist whose practice is solely dedicated to hernia repair.

    How should my hernia be repaired?

    If you have a hernia, you have options. Surgical options include conventional open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and robotic surgery. Most repairs utilize mesh in order to reduce the risk of hernia recurrence. Some repairs can be performed without the use of mesh. There are many different types of mesh and it is generally safe when implanted by an experienced surgeon.

    All hernias and the people that develop them are unique. There is no standard approach to hernia repair. Careful analysis of each person’s lifestyle and needs along with the location and size of the hernia are necessary to formulate a proper solution.

    A hernia specialist will help you make the best decision.

    large umbilical hernia

    Let the Center for Hernia Repair Help You Today

    Hernias can often be repaired surgically, and The Center for Hernia Repair can help. We are a leading provider of hernia surgery and our team of experts, including Dr. Jonathan Yunis, have experience treating all types of hernias.

    Don't put your hernia problems off any longer; reduction of pain post-surgery, quick recovery and the prevention of the hernia's recurrence are at the forefront of our center. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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    FAQs About Hernia Surgery

    What type of doctors take care of hernias?

    General surgeons are doctors that have had 5-7 years of training after medical school in abdominal surgery. They are true specialists of the abdomen. General surgeons typically manage abdominal and groin hernias. They also are specialists of gallbladder/ liver, spleen, and bowel surgery.
    Hernia specialists have evolved over the last 10 years. These are general surgeons who limit their practice to hernia surgery. It has been recognized that specialization in hernia surgery has led to improved outcomes.

    Is hernia repair considered major surgery?

    There are many different hernia operations and they vary from minor to major surgery.

    How do I choose a hernia surgeon?

    1. Choose a surgeon who is considered a hernia repair specialist
    2. Find a surgeon who offers expertise in a variety of techniques to match your needs

    What is the best surgery for hernia repair?

    There is no one-size-fits-all recommendation for hernia repair. An experienced hernia repair specialist will offer a variety of repair techniques and recommend one based on your unique needs.

    How long does a hernia repair usually take?

    In general, inguinal. Umbilical and epigastric hernia operations can be completed in about 45-60 minutes and you’re usually able to return home the same day, barring unforeseen medical situations. Larger ventral incisional hernias can take 3-4 hour in expert hands.

    What is the typical recovery time for laparoscopic hernia surgery?

    The laparoscopic hernia surgery recovery time can vary depending on several factors, including the individual's overall health, the size and location of the hernia, and the surgical technique used.

    Will coughing damage my hernia repair?

    Coughing can put a strain on incisions and may be painful after surgery. The hernia repair should be able to tolerate coughing without damage.

    How do you poop after hernia surgery?

    Constipation can be a side effect of drugs taken during surgery. So as not to strain your hernia repair it is recommended to take a stool softener and to drink plenty of water.

    What factors influence the recovery time after hernia surgery?

    Hernia recovery timey after hernia surgery varies from person to person, but some common factors that influence it are the type, severity, patient's age, health and lifestyle.

    Can you walk after hernia surgery?

    Yes! While some rest is recommended, resuming normal daily activities, including walking, can enhance your recovery after hernia surgery so long as these activities don’t cause pain.

    Center for Hernia Repair

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    Suite 201
    Sarasota, Florida 34239
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